My book recommendation: v2

So let’s continue from where we left.

Brotherhood of  Warriors: Behind Enemy Lines with a Commando in One of the World's Most Elite Counterterrorism Units

“Happiness is attained, not through self-interest, but through unconditional fidelity in endless love of eternal light.”

This book is one of the hidden gems. My respect for Israel multiplied when I read this book. Brutally honest it takes you to the journey of “black-ops”, coveted Mosad and most important the camaraderie and brotherhood that exists between author and his buddies.  I liked the determination of Aaron to join IDF and make his way among the best of the warriors. Moving from BeverleyHills to Israel is never easy.  You watch “Haider “  and learn the word Chutzpah but it was initially used in  this book.
I loved it for Krav-Maga, leadership ,  human intelligence, history of counter-terror warfare and the honest way in which Aaron writes his story. Won’t spill the beans further.  This is a collector’s edition.

Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer

“Four guys are standing on a street corner… an American, a Russian, a Chinese man, and an Israeli…. A reporter comes up to the group and says to them: “Excuse me…. What’s your opinion on the meat shortage?” The American says: What’s a shortage? The Russian says: What’s meat? The Chinese man says: What’s an opinion? The Israeli says: What’s “Excuse me”? 

This is one of the finest books I have read on technology. Giving complete disregard to status-quo and conventional wisdom it takes you to the Journey of Israel Start-Up culture and helps you realize why they are the best in the business. Book starts with a young man confronting PayPal CEO and giving him dosage of chutzpah! Fantastic read especially for all my IT friends.  Patience, Perseverance and passion !! Written in simple language it will help you to look at dimensions  which one could never imagine.

“Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope. Sometimes we cry with everything except tears.” 

If we talk about literary fiction Shantaram top the charts. Referred to me by iconic Rohit Dogra Shantaram is a heavyweight in world of literature.  It has fun, love , sex, emotions  and top of it Karla female protagonist with whom I fell in love with. Gregory has penned down everything with such finesse that at moments I felt transported in a different world. You will cry, smile , feel good and bad. Yin and Yang! Author has summed up the soul of India in such a beautiful way that I also felt that I don’t know much about my country and it’s people and I need to widen my horizon. Book is filled with amazing quotes, bone chilling incidents. I still wonder why no movie has been made on it. Eagerly waiting for the next book by this amazing man

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

“A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain. Louie thought: Let go.” 

One of the most iconic and electric books I have read in my life. Usually caught up in web of life we think that our lives are the most difficult ones. We keep on cribbing for small things, got disheartened by small obstacles  which comes in life and always envy with what other person has. Once you start flipping pages of this book I am sure you will realize what Louis "Louie" Zamperini went through in his life is un-real. It’s a story of resilience, courage , indomitable human will power. Louie an Olympic runner spends 47 days in ocean when their plan is shot with his 3 friends. I was amazed at the depth at which Laura Hillenbrand has covered the details in her narration. You will feel that you are on the boat with them. At one moment when you felt that now the good time has started, the torture just begins for “Louie”. What “Bird” did to our hero is very difficult for people of our  generation who are growing in the world led by “whatsapp” and “tinder” but it again shows you what human spirit is capable of. It’s a literary marvel.

As usual Movie was no wear near the real book and I agree to it. It’s very difficult for “Anglina Jolie” to capture the entire series in 3 hours. A masterpiece, must read for everyone specially  young adults or youth who are struggling in their life and need to look at people which they cannot find around them in real life.

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita

Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to re-establish dharma.

The verse is—
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। 
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ -४७
In Roman scripts—

                        Ma Karmaphalaheturbhurma Te Sangostvakarmani

The meaning of the verse is—
Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction. 
I am short of words and still unsure if I can do a justice there. There are something’s which are taught to you in school and they don’t make much sense. When you grow, face challenges and if by any chance you stumble on those “something’s” they make perfect sense. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, I often say that it’s world’s best management book. I understand that there are people like Steve Jobs, Guy Kawasaki, Sam Walton, Ambani’s but you place their entire wisdom in one platter and you will see excerpts of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in their wisdom. While reading I often feel that I am a sinner as I do lot of things which are listed as don’t here and often feel that it’s very difficult for a human being to follow the teachings. 

Again when Arjuna was battling his own relatives in Mahabharta it was no easy task, standing against your own people is always the hardest but standing for the right thing is the right thing to do. While reading I often felt a blanket of trance taking control of you and you are in a different world. Sometimes I also search for a Krishna to come in my life and show me the right path, till the time I don’t find him I follow my inner voice.  Highly recommended. For first time readers I will recommend it just keep going through the book if you can’t connect the dots as they will be soon made.


Courage andConviction: An Autobiography by Gen V.K Singh 

Jai Hind

One of the man I admire true gem  Gen V.K Singh give you a insight into his upbringing , challenges he faced during his distinguished career. There are lots of anecdotes  in the book which gives you an understanding of his bonding with the men. General V.K. Singh served in the Indian Army for forty-two years, retiring as Chief of Army Staff on 31 May 2012. I enjoyed the narrative  of sniper rifle he shared on Pakistan border as well. Jai Hind!!

 Also a very well read and educated man he shares challenges faced while running an organization as big as army and tussle with bureaucrats. I always say books like this should be taught in schools and colleges. Lot’ s of wisdom in it If you want to know how life in Indian army is , aspiring to join forces, wondering how the logistics work  to keep such an organization running with full josh or just proud of our Army go for it. It’s a hidden gem

“There were a number of definitions of courage, but now I was seeing it in its simplest form: you do what has to be done day after day, and you never quit.” 

Once I started reading this book, it was very hard for me to put it down. I truly admire the warrior who is a Rhodes Scholar as well and a Navy SEAL and a international humanitarian and a worker and founder of the veterans' aid organization. Wow this is what I like. I always feel that essence of life is in understanding and doing various things. Our brain is so powerful that we can achieve whatever we want and Eric proves it right. Greitens offers each of us a new way of thinking about living a meaningful life.

We learn that to win any war, even those we wage against ourselves; to create and obtain lasting peace; to save a life; and even, simply to live with purpose requires us—every one of us—to be both good and strong.

He will take you through his journey and makes you realize sky is the  limit.

Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrel

“Fear is a force that sharpens your senses. Being afraid is a state of paralysis in which you can't do anything.” 

So you are a fan of Mark Wahlberg. Go watch Lone Survivor movie. So you like to read about human intelligence, call yourself a Human resource expert go read this and see what you are missing.  In hair raising series of event  incidents they faced in Operation Redwing. You feel  the camaraderie and Esprit De Corps among the 4 people.  One night in June 2005, while hiding out, the team encountered three shepherds, including a boy. The team debated killing the shepherds, but after a vote, team leader Michael Murphy decided to uphold the rules of engagement and let the shepherds go. About an hour later, the four SEALs were surrounded by more than a hundred Taliban warriors. In the end Marcus Luttrel survives the catastrophe. I was deeply impressed by the respect ear heroes receive in America.

In India we are still fighting for One Rank One Pension what a shame! During the operation Marcus was declared dead and I was deeply affected by the conviction of protagonist mother that his son can’t be dead. In the end it shows you that good Karma always pay and how most beautiful and heart warming relations are made in the most unusual places.  Through thick and thin Marcus was with his team and my eyes were moist while going through the entire narrative and at the same time I respect the courage, wisdom and fierce determination of people fighting against terrorists. It’s a Hidden Gem: 

Autobiographyof a Yogi! By by Paramahansa Yogananda

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.

Brilliant. Iconic. Surreal. Shows the power of yoga and takes you through Indian history in such a way you never imagined. It has physics , chemistry , biology and curiosity of a boy who made waves of Yoga felt across the globe. I have narrated the entire story to my parents while reading it, to my cousins, friends and colleagues endless number of time. While reading I was immersed in a different dimension. It will calm down your mind and gives you a new perspective to life which you thought never existed. Language is a bit difficult but is marvelous. I am also glad that author has a great sense of humour. I need to learn a lot from this man.


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