Bruce Lee: Fighting Spirit :- Jeet Kune Do
He Haw Kick Bam Spat Chapat Thak Thak Pataaak!! If you are
thinking what has happened to me this is the sound of my brain (naughty brain
:P) making imaginary noises when it thinks that it can fight like Bruce Lee.
Bruce Lee I remembered this name. When I was growing up and
used to play video games on 8 bit console there was a video game called Kung-Fu.
The first word which came to my mind was Bruce Lee. Somebody told me that he
was killed as some psycho dude stabbed him. Now I grew up there were messages
like Bruce Lee Chuce Lee naaaa upto this time to be candid I did’t showed up interest
in his life. Something happened after it.
Facebook came into my Life and two of my friends Lali and Shivi Baby (will
provide their twitter handles later in the post) posted some pics of the
fittest men on earth on their profile with the words “Don’t Think ....Feel!”. I
remember at that time I was reading open by Andre Agassi and he has written “Stop Thinking Start Feeling”. Time moved on .One day my eyes landed on Bruce
Lee fighting spirit, I bought it from landmark at the rate of INR 139. After
that the word “Jeet Kunde Do” landed in front of my eyes and something changed.
I was excited to get my hands on this beauty. It arrived.
First thing that strikes me is the electrifying font on
yellow paper . It starts with a young bruce Lee a Swift and Suave dancer Yay!! His
journey to America , his love life and the ONE
At this
stage it gets very interesting. “ The real purpose of the inch punch was to
show that there is a far more powerfull way of striking someone than simply
using arm and shoulder muscles. The more relaxed you are , the more energy can flow through the
body; using muscular tensions to try to do the punch, or attempting to use
brute force to knock someone over, only has the opposite effect.” . Next day I
changed my Skype Status to “The One Inch
What amazes you is the control Bruce had over his body. After
that you are mesmerized by “Yin and Yang”, Yin Man and one hell of the struggle
this man made. At one point Bruce is like trough of a sine wave with amplitude
-1 and just like a phoenix risen from ashes , after one year his life takes a
hairpin band and he is the biggest star that US industry was about to see. The
mental toughness, kick ass physical regime , the control of his nerves
Bombshell Bruce definitely took the human body to his limits and beyond. But
soon I was sad as when the Lee was about to hit the bulls eye “Enter the Dragon”
he was no more. Author has done a great research on various parameters and
controversies when the guy left for the other world but I was stunned as Lee
targeted his entire life for a SMASH HIT movie and this Asian Marvel was not
there to see the historic Feet. Enter the Dragon as usual was a smash hit. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
This classic biography is written by Bruce Thomas and
definitely deserves a space in your reading shelf. There are so many things I haven’t
touched on but I have realized “The oneness of life is truth that can be
realized”. Jeet Kune Do , which is
limitless in possibilities adn interestingly it talks about Muhammed Ali who is
next on my reading list.
This post is dedicated to my three friends:
Lali Don!/lalitnagrath
Shivi Baby!/ShivinderToor
Rohit :!/rohitdogra
My Rating 10/10.
Jeet Kune