Fountain Head By Ayn Rand: Feed me more-A book written ahead of times

I downloaded a movie called The Fountain in year 2007 and thought this is made on movie Fountain Head. I watched a particular intimate scene in nit for 4 to 5 time and then it was part of history. After 5 years I ordered the Ayn Rand book set( Fountain Head and Atlas Shrugged) online and to my amazement it was delivered free of cost to me. ( reason classified , you have to sign a NDA to get the lid opened :D) .
My friend ravpreet and Jitendar told me to read this book as this is mind boggling and boond faad and I started reading it. It has three or four main characters Howard Roark(Protagonist, iconoclast architect ) , Peter Keating(Corporate Slut), Toohey ( Mind game specialist), Dominique Francon( Hot chick , beauty with brains) and Gail Wyand (reminds you of willain in Hindi movies who turn good after some time). All of these characters are splendid and while I was reading it I found I had a shade of all these characters in my personality. The more I would like to be like Roark , the more shades of other characters I can found it in me :D.
Book has certain moments where I just jumped out of the couch and said yeahhhhhhh. Kick ass or in hindi as I would pit it gaaaaaaand Faad deee :D bhai ne.

 “Do you mean to tell me that you're thinking seriously of building that way, when and if you are an architect?"
My dear fellow, who will let you?"
That's not the point. The point is, who will stop me?”
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

Intresting part is such a revolutionary ideology is written by a Lady who was born  in 1905 that too in year 1938. I was impressed and know the belief is re-affirmed that all the spark, hot headedness, adrenaline and rectitude that young people had  today was there around 70 years back. So it’s not a surprise that this book was rejected around 13 times before being finally published and well it made it’s mark in the modern literature. After reading it your viewpoint will change and you will see buildings in a different way.
It again reminds me that most of the things schooling teaches us can be easily dumped in Dust Bin. I think we can make it a mandatory read for all the young adults who face a lot of pressure from conventional Peater Keating around them. I am sure it will give heart attack to most of people with conventional thinking but once the ideology of objectivism gets into your head everything else is secondary. This is also reminds me of a Zen and art of motorcycle maintenance. I will sign off by embedding this youtube video . My rating 100/10. After this I am thinking to read more of Ayn Rand. Feed me more! Feed me more! Read to know more 


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