My cycling Timeline (From Birth – Till date)

 Wrote this for Decathlon contest however it didn't getting shortlisted. So I thought I should spread the awesomeness on my blog. 

My parents bought me cycle at a young age of  5. For long duration it was just used as an additional

showpiece in our garage engulfed with dust.  Art of balancing of balancing two wheels was a herculean

task for me. I felt jealous when I saw other kids enjoying their ride and I wasn’t one of them. Finally I

learned the act when I was around 8 years it was center of all my activities. I used to bring my cousins

from their schools, bring some sweets from market in sector 19, Chandigarh or purchase some crackers

from the nearby shop. It was my very own set of 2 wheels and I rode like a boss!

I used to go to school which was in sector 29 around 3 km from my house and it took us around 20

minutes to reach there. Be it the crazy heat of June or maddening winters of December I always enjoyed

the journey.  When I was 10 , I had a major accident with a bus while on the way to school, I broke my

leg and was on bed for six months. What doesn’t kills you make you stronger.

It took me some time to recover as my leg was not strong enough to peddle. As said it’s not about the

bike, time flied, will persisted & the spark was back. My parents gifted me a hero ranger and I was back in town. I was elated when I took it to school and showed it to my friends. I remember the races we had with friends on the way to school, fights with my sister on the way to school as I was always annoying

her by braking in front of her cycle ;), learning the art of drifts by pressing the rear break. I eventually
learned to ride bike by keeping off my hands from the handle.  I remember my cycle being stolen from

outside of my tuition center and I was depressed. Then I borrowed my cousin cycle that has dumped it

in junk yard.  

Then I started going to college in 2003, and cycle was gone from my life as it was not cool to go to

college on cycle and my college was 35 km from Chandigarh. I was caught in the vicious circle of life and

got busy with other mundane things like jobs, career, money etc.

Lightning strikes twice and my friend in year 2012 bought a new cycle. I was excited but as I rode it I was

unable to peddle hardly for 100 meters. Then the idea stuck me to get my own set of wheels. I bought

the bike, started going on daily rides to Sukhna Lake. I was also fascinated by range of new bikes which

were being launched.  I bought one for myself in 2014 and started enjoying the cycling once again. I

started going to office on it and felt good.

Again due to burden of work and other circumstances somehow this good activity of mine has suddenly

stopped. I can’t ride with both hands off the handle and I miss the fit pumps but I have found my

rhythm. I can peddle for 30 km, have clocked 1800 Km on fitness –app and I am sure I can do much

more.  It’s always said true love has a way of coming back and I am sure it will return soon. Everything

that I have learnt from cycling has become a part of me. I know that journey has just started.


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