Hulk Hogan: My Life outside Ring: My review outside THe book

While growing I was a big wrestling fan and played trump cards. I didn’t have a cable connection at that time in my home (around 1991-1999) .  I was fan of this man in yellow shirt who had a cult following among the children and was ranked number 1 in the trump cards. So this means whenever the kiddo who will have his card will win over other card holders because of his credentials like height, weight, matches played etc. were better than his rivals. 

Freeze the above paragraph brother!! Time flied I grew up (only physically I was intelligent when I was born than now) trump card faded and place of Hogan was taken by John Cena ,
The rock , Randy orton, HHH ( not in exact order) to name a few.  Sorry to be so dramatic but the feelings are true

I thought that I have never read about any wrestlers life since now i have grown up and I can understand English I searched amazon saw awesome rating of the Hullkamaia Era and I ordered it from Indian e-commerce sites brother!!. 

Ergonomics/Slamonomics:-I have a hard bound edition with thick binding and excellent font and paper quality. Once I got my hand on the book my sister snatched it from my hand and first watched all the photographs. (Easiest way to read a book). After that I started it and must say it was one of the finest ,most pure and pure reads I have read. Hogan has poured his heart out. Well done brother, it’s quite a difficult thing to do. 

StoryNomics: Book starts with a flashback, where Hogan is about to end his own legacy but as you turn on the pages it’s like a page turner, a thriller, a fairytale , a marketing case study it has all the contents to keep you hooked. He candidly admits why wrestling is called entertainment and what does it signify. (People who still debate that wrestling is true or not true must read this). One thing which I must admit I liked the most is that there is a shadow of you in his life. Read to know more.  He talks about his life, injuries, drugs some twisted tales, some fairy tales and his initial days in wwwf gives us a fresh insight to what we don’t know about this business and what is not shown on television. When you read it I also came to know about his daughter a very pretty damsel instead. I checked her out, she is on facebook and hot( HH if you read this don't give me a leg drop  ;)

This book has a very similar storyline with Andre Agassi open which is again an awesome read. Both of them start with present go back to past come to present and kick some serious  ass in the end.

I finished it in less than 6 hours awesome read in 3 nights (data may not be 100% correct) and an is an awesome read. 

While reading I also sent a tweet to Hulk Hogan and he replied. Thanks Brother for the tweet.
My Rating: 12/10

This post is also dedicated to my friend/brother the bomb from Bathinda AJ the _way_iam (!/ThE_wAY_Im) an huge wrestling fan.


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