I have invented that I am a human being and not a machine.Its the same feeling of us had when we were 5 years old or get happy when a pretty girl smile
Super Pawani-cool kid
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She is my niece and remind me of times when I was young although my cheeks were bigger than her :)
She is cool and currently in rapper mode and apparently her smile makes me forget everything in the world.Rock on Champ!!
“When it is time for you to leave this school, leave your job, or even leave this earth, you make sure you have worked hard to make sure it mattered you were even here.” I was thinking deep when I finished reading this book. I tried to answer the question but I couldn’t figure out the right answer. I wonder whether there is a right answer or not. Flashback: A month back I was strolling in my workplace. I took it as excuse as I was tired by sitting and wanted to take doses of vitamin she. So as a predator I hunted in the wild jungle and my eyes socket were looking for a pretty prey who can recharge my eye balls who were tired by looking at the dull computer screen for long time. During this strategic planning I met another hunter, Kunal Pundir and I stated doing some chit-shit chat with him. He told me there is a book called The other Wes Moore: One name and two fates and gave me a brief introduction about it. I watched the rating on Amazon an...
“If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!” -Rudyard Kipling In my previous posts ( http://tinyurl.com/8y8gdyf ) I have expressed my inclination towards war literature. But my urge to read more about it never finishes. So once I saw rating of this Epic written by CRAIG M. MULLANEY on Amazon I was interested to get my hands on it. A hard bounded edition over 370 pages is indeed a saga of virtue, valor and victory \0/. Craig’s story is honest to the core and redefines the true spirit of courage and leadership. It shows the camaraderie between men living in toughest of conditions which forms the basis of brotherhood and “Hand grenade effect” ( http://tinyurl.com/8y8gdyf ). Entire book is divided into three parts “Students”, “Soldier” and “Veteran” and each takes you towards the preparation of author for the ultimate l...
He Haw Kick Bam Spat Chapat Thak Thak Pataaak!! If you are thinking what has happened to me this is the sound of my brain (naughty brain :P) making imaginary noises when it thinks that it can fight like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee I remembered this name. When I was growing up and used to play video games on 8 bit console there was a video game called Kung-Fu. The first word which came to my mind was Bruce Lee. Somebody told me that he was killed as some psycho dude stabbed him. Now I grew up there were messages like Bruce Lee Chuce Lee naaaa upto this time to be candid I did’t showed up interest in his life. Something happened after it. Facebook came into my Life and two of my friends Lali and Shivi Baby (will provide their twitter handles later in the post) posted some pics of the fittest men on earth on their profile with the words “Don’t Think ....Feel!”. I remember at that time I was reading open by Andre Agassi and he has written “Stop Thinking Start Feeling”. Tim...