Dilbert -Joy of Work-Book Review

Few years back I was totally unaware of a cartoon strip called Dilbert.
Then my life changed, I participated in the rat race and became a software engineer.
I was part of the cubicle world and may be at that moment I got eligible to understand humor
behind Scott Adams writing.

The first thing that instantaneously hits you is the attractive cover page with Dilbert in red underwear and little boss Dogbert hanging around corner. I really think that name of Dogbert is
a wonderful example of Out of the box thinking(though i could have used innovative word over here,but may be MBA is getting on my nerves ).Anyways most of the employees i know can connect very easily connect with him.

Book starts off really well ,a witty novel instead with some really smart techniques to be used at your work place ,but in the middle i do got real bored as i felt that some times that most of the things I don't feel it suited the Indian Environment.Amazingly my parents,friends were also laughing when I told them some thing as cool as hypnotizing your boss or how to manage meetings by imagining a pilot sitting in your brain and your body like a aero plane.

This book indeed started with gripping content ,cartoons are really uber cool or fantabulous (thanks to www.urbandictionary.com) but i think that path is lost somewhere in the middle.

One of the greatest anecdote(thanks to VC of my
college who introduced me to this word ) was given in the ending of book when they talk about vision and marketing statement , must must read for anyone who deals with that stuff.

Since,I am new to this field and as of now i don't want to write any more i would say
This book is really worth a read ,but as stated don't read it in your workplace or you may fall in trouble .

I would gave it a 4/5

3 for the content ,cartoons ,gripping content 1 for the splendid cover page ,touching core of my heart and some hidden points for my biaseness toward dilbert,dogbert ,cat -bert.

One tip for Scott,His article was recently published in economic times that he is falling short of ideas to write new cartoons,I would suggest him to search workplaces in India to explore a new dimension :)


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