Baby !!

It's a lovely feeling to hold your child in your arms ,especially as first time parents. We were blessed with a baby girl on 8-August -2021 in Chandigarh, India. 9 Months waiting period :) for baby was a journey filled with emotions, happiness, dealing with changes and of-course planning lot of things for mother, baby and everyone in family. There were usual couple fights , loving moments , chaos of confusion during this period. Going to the hospital for the first time to get check up done for your wife could be a crazy experience for the couple. You can see couples coming within their first 3/6/9 months of pregnancy and I think everyone co-relates with another. There are lot of smiling faces around with a hint of turmoil in the air. As parents you try to follow all the correct procedures so that everything happens as per plan but I think babies don't believe in following any protocols while in the womb or once they are outside of it. With abunda...